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On June 16,2013 Vietnamese police defrocked/tortured Khmer-Krom monk Ven. Ly Chanda of Prey Chop Temple in Lai Hoa, Vinh Chau, Soc Trang province. June 20,2013 Venerable Thach Thuol and Abbot Temple Lieu Ny of Ta Set temple (Soc Trang-Khleang province) defrocked and imprisoned in Prey Nokor (Saigon) city by the Viet authorities. In Phnor Dach (Cau Ngang) district, Preah Trapang/Tra Vinh) Khmer Krom prohibited from watching Cambodian TV signals.

News Alert from Kampuchea Krom!

On September 10, 2012 the Vietcongs authorities have ordered all Khmer Krom residents of the Cau Ngang (Phno Dach) district, Tra Vinh (Preah Tra Pang) province, Mekong Delta (South Vietnam) to take down all TV satellites that receive signals directly from Cambodia.  

These Cambodian TV signals are mostly religious and cultural shows broadcasting in Cambodia to all Khmer inland and abroad, however the Khmer Krom locals in the Mekong Delta are banned by the Hanoi regime from watching.  It is a double standard policy implemented by the repressive Hanoi regime, because Vietnamese overseas in Cambodia can still receive Vietnam TV signals while Khmer Krom in the Mekong Delta prohibited from receiving broadcasting signals in Cambodia. This action by Vietnam contravenes the Cambodia-Vietnam friendship treaties which Vietnam frequently boasts about.

This is a clear violation of Khmer Krom's fundamental rights to freedom to information, expression, press and to one's cultural identity, enshrined under the UN's Charters and Vietnam is a party of.   

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